Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Rad, Recycled Magazine Holder

You wanna know what really sucks? Not having recycling in your neighborhood. Even so, I've always found a way to recycle, usually by driving my stuff to some recycling center in the town.

If anyone out there knows how to recycle in Mexico City, let me know, because I'm really unhappy about throwing away recyclable materials! I've even taken to hording jars, boxes, and various containers in my craft room, with the promise of making them into something useful. I have a few really cool ideas up my sleeve, at least one of them entirely original! But for now, I'll show you a decked-out version of something I found in an issue of ReadyMade Magazine.

It's a Corn Flakes box covered by scrapbook paper from my stash.
I just cut it down to size, reinforced the edges, and went crazy with the glue stick.
It says "pass the time." hahaha.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reflection on Fashion of This Decade

These past five years, I haven't seen any pervasive style in fashion (off the runway, on the street) that defines this decade. In the early 2000's we had all the white, silver, and black vinyl, but that was really just late nineties spillover. Here's a list of videos that show what I'm talking about:

Millenial Videos - He Wasn't Man Enough For Me - It's Not Right But It's OK - No Scrubs - What's It Gonna Be? - If You Had My Love

You might be saying- 'Uh, hello, Cami? What about DIY!?' I'm thinking about it, but is it pervasive in popular culture, not just on the fringes where we revel?

I've noticed some little things like the really cool T-Shirts with necklaces or other intricate designs printed on them. Also big stores are carrying shirts with embroidery and reverse applique. But I don't think that T-shirts alone constitute the style of a decade.

Am I missing something? Open my eyes, please!

PS- Deliver us from all skinny jeans.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My New Set

Saturday morning I was preparing my breakfast and enjoying the stress-free feeling. I wanted to walk to the museum and take my camera with me. I put on my FIERCE Ani DiFranco T-Shirt, stating "Property of No One", *snap* and got ready to go. But... I didn't have the right necklace here. I wanted a rhinestone choker, but all of those are in the States. So, I pulled out some of my gorgeous quartz beads from Taxco, and snipped off some chain. A few minutes later, this is what I had.

Then I really wanted to round out the look with some big, hoop earrings. But... same situation. I wasn't as confident about this one. It'd been years since I really worked with wire. Since my BFF and I started a crafty business when we were teens. (God, we were so New Age- hand-wrapped crystals! How badass were we?) Anyway, I tried, and... I'm pleased to say, they aren't half bad!

This wire thing is opening doors for me. I've been thinking about it since.


I was feelin' my kuumba. The song "Around the Way Girl" by LL Cool J kept going through my head.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Am Not Afraid of Color

And Mexico City is exactly the right place to be!
thoughtful, intelligent blues with grey
I'm drooling, and not for the food.
The leaf-lime-beige-orangeyred-burntred combo is
luscious, and unexpected.

P I N W H E E L S !

Luchadores Masks... take your pick, each its own story.
Dramatic energy

...easygoing - slate, pink, green, and brown

Sunday, March 1, 2009

More Good News!

Three of my favorite crafty icons were featured in the Sunday New York Times today! The article is about Kathy Cano-Murillo, the Crafty Chica, while Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching, and the CraftyPod were mentioned! How exciting. :o) Congrats, ladies!