Woah! I'm happy to see that I've posted at least once each month. I'm also super-excited to have the new content automatically imported to my tabs.
What are tabs, you ask? If you look to the area just under the header, you will see some pretty little orange tabs, which will take you to pages I made just for you!
Tumblr is my place to post things that catch my eye in the blogosphere. I use it as a visual stream to remember some of the breathtaking or inspiring images I see on the blogs I stalk. Tumblr is a quick blogging format that allows me to reblog someone's post with the touch of a button.
Twitter is my other microblog and a social network where I post random thoughts and ideas, with each post equaling 140 characters or less.
Delicious is a trove of high-value craft bookmarks. This is where I bookmark crochet patterns, tutorials, craft business tips, and all kinds of good stuff.
Visit my tabs and visit often!
The other really exciting thing I've done is created a facebook page for the blog! Please visit and "like" it. :) If you do, you'll automatically receive Art, Like Bread postings in your facebook News Feed.
In regular posting news, I have quite a few ideas about what to post, but I have to get my act together and schedule ahead, so I'll leave you with my latest crafty read, Kathy Cano-Murillo's Miss Scarlet's School of Patternless Sewing.