During the month of August and beyond I will be covering the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) Supershow Consumer Event that took place in Rosemont, IL on July 30 and 31. I attended with my trusty sidekick, Mom, and we basked in all the crafty wonder. We had such a fabulous time and we learned a lot! I really did feel like I was in sort of a crafty wonderland. It was AWESOME!
This is a sample flower Kathy brought. She said that her craft group in Phoenix met to make samples. |
Our first major event could not have been better. We crafted beautiful paper bag flowers with The Crafty Chica! The concept is really simple but the end result is beautiful when you use
her products
. I am waiting impatiently for them to become available in Chicago, but in the meantime it's Amazon.com

Kathy gave us each a cute little mini-zine, which she also posted
a tutorial for on her blog. She's a complete dynamo. I don't know how, but somehow she gets it all done.
Are you getting inspired? These are more samples from the Crafty Chica! |
We decorated and layered circles of paper and embellished them with glitter to make our masterpieces. I had to carry my pretty flower around the fair afterward because it was still drying and at least a dozen people complimented me and asked me where I had made it.
Here's my masterpiece! |
Crafty Chica glitter
really is quite brilliant. I know that she custom-mixed the glitters and I was psyched to see them in person.
Kathy signed a free copy of Waking Up in the Land of Glitter for each participant. |
I started reading the book before the fair and it was so cool to meet the actual author. Now I have a signed first edition! I am loving the story. It's super-juicy and all the little craft references are AWESOME! Kathy's style is rich and bubbly. I love her inventive similes and pop culture infusions. The plot is quite engrossing from the very first chapter, and only gets better and better. In fact, right after I post this blog I'm going to read a couple more chapters.
At the end of the workshop, Kathy posed with me and her book. I'm holding a Crafty Chica flocked iron-on shirt that I made. I've since embellished it further. So.Fun. |
It was an amazing way to kick off a fun-filled two days. I have lots more to tell, so stay with me for some really cool posts.
Aren't you, like, totally ready to read this awesome book now? If so, simply post a little comment below. If you're really seriously interested, pop me an email with shipping information to artlikebread(at)gmail(dot)com to expedite the shipping process. I'll pick one comment at random from the participants. I will happily ship the winner a copy of
Waking Up in the Land of Glitter
. You'll be receiving my original book, which is an advance reader's copy I bought from Alibris.com. It's not in perfect condition, but it's fine. I'm keeping the signed copy!!!
I'll be taking entries until 9 am on Wednesday, August 11, 2010. Please check the blog later on Wednesday for instructions on how to claim your prize. If I don't receive a proper mailing address by midnight on Thursday, August 12, 2010, I reserve the right to pick a new winner. Sorry for the uptightness. I'm on a tight shipping schedule!
Thanks and good luck! :)