Loom Knitting is a relaxing hobby. I learned to do it from craft videos. I always had a knitting loom in the house growing up but I never knew how to use it...
I was thinking about how I got into this whole online crafting shenanigans and then I remembered that I used to watch early video podcasts about crafts! Michelle did a video podcast called Crafted By Us and it really rocked. The best thing about her videos was that she showed you the entire process of how her craft was made. It was really valuable information. It looks like she was blogging as recently as 2014, so you should check her out! She did a video on loom knitting once, and it was her video that got me to do my first loom knit project.
More recently I joined a crafting video classroom called Creativebug. It's a subscription service and it costs $4.95 per month. I learned about it on (where else) the Yarn Thing Podcast with Marly Bird (holla!) Well, I bit and did the free trial.
Seriously, I love it. I think the instructors are really great and there are many cool classes up there in all different areas. I like that you can sample from whatever you want. I try to watch different videos frequently. I have watched both Loom Knitting classes by Michele of Simplicity (no, not the same Michelle from up there) and I have loved making my first loom knit cowl. I loved it so much, that I cast on another and it's my bring along project! In fact, I was such a fan of Michele and her videos that I reached out to her and wrote her an email. And she responded! :) :) :)
You should give loom knitting a try. It's really easy.
To celebrate my current loom knitting obsession and my beautiful WIP this week, I thought I would offer a free download of my loom knit fabric. The download is 2448 x 2448 and it can be used as a background for text, your website, your desktop background, or in your digital scrapbooking or graphic design. Feel free to use it however you'd like, but don't sell it unless you modify it so much that it becomes an entirely different work of art. If you do use it, feel free to link back to artlikebread.com!
Click picture to download your free knitting photo! |
If you would be interested in learning how to make a cowl like this or buying one from me, please let me know by leaving a comment or contacting me at artlikebread (at) gmail (dot) com. As always, thanks for reading the blog! Please leave your thoughts, ideas and questions in the comment section below. If you liked this post, please share this post with a friend through social media and rock your loom knit cowl with pride! Like my Facebook page for updates and more crafty sharing!