Some of us know how long it must have taken to crochet these bags. Some of us understand how BIG they were before they were felted. We know how hot it must have been to have that puppy on your lap. To everyone else, these are just pretty bags, but to us, they represent an incredible feat of labor.
I've noticed that felting hasn't really caught on here in Mexico. There are a few people doing it, but Claudia told me she was the
first to design in felt here. She also shared the incredible journey from sheep to bag. She imports roving from Australia, has it spun into yarn here in Mexico, designs and crochets big bags, then shrinks them down to size (which is STILL oversized!) Then they are dyed to perfection.

The artist herself!

In addition to the a-mazing felted bags, she also carries wet-felted flowers. Elaine got away with only one, although she almost absconded with the entire basket! My favorite was the little greenie you see above.
You can catch up with Claudia on
her website. You should definitely pay her a visit!