You can't win if you don't play, right? The craft world is so fun, because people often do giveaways on their blogs, or you can get the inside scoop on all kinds of opportunities by getting in touch on any of the social network sites. Crafty Chica did a contest on "Why I am a Crafty Chica" and I thought about it a lot, and planned to enter, but did not. I was so disappointed when I saw the winners, but what did I expect! I can't win if I don't play, right?
Determined not to let these opportunities pass me by again, I have submitted a crafty profile to "Craft Corps", which is an upcoming book by Vickie Howell. You should, too! This is something I really want, but we'll see what happens. It's also about the process.
I've also been entering almost every contest I see come across my Google Reader. Here's one of the best I've seen. It's from Chronicle Books, and I (or you!) could win a Fender guitar! Wow!
I will also have a contest of my very own on this blog on Friday! Whooh hooh! <3 it!