Saturday, July 31, 2010

Big News, Busy Times

This is a fun and inspirational time in my life.  I have to admit, I'm a little overwhelmed.  I have a lot of blog posts to catch up on and I am really excited to share everything with all of you.  I had to interrupt my regularly-scheduled posting with an update on all that is rocking my world right now.

Ok, I'll just say it.  I MET THE CRAFTY CHICA TODAY!

See?  That's her.  With me!  :D

I can't believe that after all these years I am finally able to attend a CHA show and meet my crafty idol in person.  I will blog in detail about the awesome CHA experience, but I wanted to share my BIG NEWS!

The other BIG NEWS is that I was on the Caron Blog!  

I know!  I can't believe it either!
Vickie Howell was so kind and featured my finished object (FO) pictures of the Urban Jungle Beanie!  The Crochet Along is still going on, so be sure to click over to Ravelry in order to join us.

These are the Caron publications that talk about the Crochet Along (and others) and the Urban Jungle Roundup.  This has been really exciting and I encourage everyone to make a beanie!  They're really cool.

I still have tons more to share.  These past few weeks have been packed with fun and inspiration.  I will be sharing it with you, I promise!  Much love and stay tuned for some great stuff.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Paper Craft with Kraft Dinner

This attractive desk organizer used to be three macaroni & cheese boxes. Yes, really. Here's what to do.
This organizer is strong and has lasted for over two years already!

1. With a box cutter or sharp scissors, cut the boxes down to size. The biggest box wasn't cut down. Only the flaps were cut off.

2. Using paper-safe glue or double-sided adhesive, cover each box with coordinating scrapbook paper, almost as though you were wrapping a present. In order to make the tops look finished, clip the corners in a "V" formation, fold the flaps over, and secure the flaps with masking tape or Japanese craft tape.

3. Line the boxes up in descending order. Using ample amounts of paper-safe glue or double-sided adhesive, adhere each box to the other.

4. To secure boxes, tape the bottom with long pieces of masking tape.

5. For additional security, adhere a ribbon around the perimeter of the desk organizer using double-sided adhesive or fabric glue.

VARIATION: Use a differently-shaped box for a paper and card organizer.

Line the inside with paper as well.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

In My Google Reader: Hip to Piece Squares

Sometimes she's quiet, and sometimes she talks, but whatever is found on Sarah's blog, Hip to Piece Squares, is sure to be fabulous. I was psyched and inspired by this selvages coin purse. Link over to a fab sewing blog... NOW!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shoe Hacker

One of my students had this really cool pencil case from Converse. Care to hack it? If I had an old pair of Converse, I would.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

In My Google Reader: M&J Trimming

The creative team at this trim company are on the ball when it comes to finding attractive, easy ideas to trick out their product. Imagine all the ways you can use ribbon, ball fringe, lace, and rick rack. Then stretch that to the limit. That's M&J Trimming's Blog. Here's the post that I needed to feature:

I know, right?

And yes, they do give instructions, so link over and make that necklace!

Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm Famous!

Three exciting things happened this week to lead me to believe that I am famous.  Firstly, I was featured on One Pretty Thing  for my Owlie Bib Mods. 

 One Pretty Thing is the ultimate crafty roundup site.  If you are not familiar, scoot on over there for a quick initiation, and then check out Sister Diane's interview with Rachel Klein, the woman behind the blog.  

 Secondly, Vickie Howell, (yes, THAT Vickie Howell) the spokesperson for Caron Yarn, picked up my Urban Jungle Beanie Crochet Along, and added it to the Caron Newsletter.  What?  I love Vickie's pattern for the slouchy hat.  The pattern is easy and satisfying and I could make a billion (well, maybe a million) of them.  

Vickie posted some very nice (& helpful) comments to the Cuckoo for Caron Ravelry group, and has asked crocheters to post to The Cuckoo for Caron flickr group. 

Finally, I've gotten a lot of comments and two new followers this week!  Thanks everyone!  Doing this blog makes me feel great and I hope that you will continue to read.  

image property of Art, Like Bread

Flowers grow in the desert.  Keep pushing upwards.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

FUSION! Marta Carmela

I was so tempted to use this image as my blog header. The necklaces crafted by Marta Carmela are made from recycled t-shirts and wrapped with string until they resemble something truly stunning. As you can tell, I doctored the image quite a bit, but the essence of the necklaces comes through beautifully.

These are made from recycled jeans.

Her crocheted wire forms are structured yet soft. I'd seen them before in a boutique and marveled at the simplicity & complexity. The idea of using fine wire to crochet a permeable egg shape speaks to the strength of that which is feminine. Perhaps it's the duality that attracts me to them. I adore this designer.


I saw a woman wearing the one of these necklaces and chased her through the fair to ask her where she got it. They look STUNNING on!

You can visit Marta Carmela online to learn about these and her other artistic works. Her items can be purchased at Habito on Masaryk in Polanco.

Thank you for joining me on my tour through Fusion Bazaar. I hope you've been as inspired by these local artisans as I have.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

FUSION! Claudia Cornew

Some of us know how long it must have taken to crochet these bags. Some of us understand how BIG they were before they were felted. We know how hot it must have been to have that puppy on your lap. To everyone else, these are just pretty bags, but to us, they represent an incredible feat of labor.

I've noticed that felting hasn't really caught on here in Mexico. There are a few people doing it, but Claudia told me she was the first to design in felt here. She also shared the incredible journey from sheep to bag. She imports roving from Australia, has it spun into yarn here in Mexico, designs and crochets big bags, then shrinks them down to size (which is STILL oversized!) Then they are dyed to perfection.

The artist herself!

In addition to the a-mazing felted bags, she also carries wet-felted flowers. Elaine got away with only one, although she almost absconded with the entire basket! My favorite was the little greenie you see above.

You can catch up with Claudia on her website. You should definitely pay her a visit!

Monday, July 12, 2010

FUSION! Gabriela Canaan

I'm a sucker for a rose, but when I learned that these roses were made of paper mache, I took a second look. Gabriela Canaan works the paper into sturdy, stylish brooches & baubles. I was coveting but I couldn't buy. :(

Keep an eye out for Gabriela at future Fusion bazaars. I see these roses in my future!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

FUSION! Conico

A few yards of ribbon can really dress up a bag. Carolina Villanueva of Conico definitely knows that.

Love the colors.

Round the corner.

This one reminds me of the ribbon tabs we've seen on scrapbook pages.

The workmanship on these bags is astounding. Don't hesitate to buy from Conico with confidence. And after talking with the artist, I could tell each piece was crafted with love.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

FUSION! San Miguel Designs

Simple designs sewn in fresh, vibrant fabrics are the allure of San Miguel Designs.

These photos are the tip of the iceberg. They also sell clothing, aprons, pajamas, jewelry, and more! They can be found all over the country, including in terminal 2 of the Mexico City airport, but they don't seem to keep an active web presence.

Friday, July 9, 2010

FUSION! Adriana Lozada of Tita Capotita

Soft, silken petals, alight on your neck like butterflies when you don one of these inspired creations. Adriana Lozada has taken a basic form and worked through many beautiful variations on this form. Her Fusion display was like a shabby chic boudoir, with a dressing table full of sensuous decorations to adorn the body.

I snagged this long & sexy necklace for myself. I adore it!

Adriana blogs at Tita Capotita. Check it out to see where she'll be next.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

FUSION! Aline Masson, Glass Designer

The first time I attended Fusion back in December of 2009, I was taken aback by the breathtakingly gorgeous classwork by Aline Masson. I bought one of those tiny oil lamps for my sister for Christmas. It was a hit!

This. Is what her booth looks like. Swoon.

And they even had wearable art.

You can catch up with Aline Masson at the next FUSION bazaar, or at the Saturday market at San Angel.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

FUSION! J. Musi, Jeweler at MusiBatty

J. Musi is one of the nicest, most generous people I've met here in Mexico. And she also happens to be a brilliant jewelry designer. She crafts gorgeous rings, earrings, and necklaces. The first time I met her, I found a perfect ring for my mother and the earrings of my dreams, which remain in my collection.

This ring guarantees a good day.

See? I told you she was nice!

I like the way the two earrings form a pair but are not identical.

The friendly competition for these rare beauties was fierce! :)
My friend snagged the one-of-a-kind skull pendant before Michelle, another artist displaying at Fusion!

A garden of luxury.

Visit J. Musi, artist and designer for MusiBatty online at .

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

FUSION! faceta

These knitted and crocheted flores can be worn as brooches or necklaces.

I've been aware of Gabriela Campo's fine work ever since I moved to Mexico. Her items can be found in boutiques around the country, including in Mexico City's posh Polanco.

They carry this one at Habito boutique on Masaryk in Polanco!

Bead crochet! These little earrings hold a lot of stitches. It's painstaking work.

faceta is innovative design. It's wearable art.

Please visit faceta online for store information, collections, and information about the designer.