Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to Crochet an Edging for your Bullet Journal My Latest #Crochet Writing

This is my latest blog post for Crochet Spot! Read the whole article on

As I have an interest in virtually all things crafty, I have recently become enamored of bullet journaling. Bullet journaling is a relatively new concept that combines a planner, to-do list, and diary into one volume. I have only been bullet journaling for less than two weeks, but I can say it is a system that works well for me and allows me to incorporate my artsy craftsy side into my daily planning. A big bonus is that it really helps to keep me organized!

How to Crochet an Edging for your Bullet Journal by Caissa McClinton @artlikebread for @crochetspot - 1

It occurred to me that crochet could (and should!) be incorporated into bullet journaling. This tutorial focuses upon crocheting an edging for your bullet journal. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will be using a piece of cardstock cut to 4.75 in (12 cm) x 8.25 (21 cm) because those are the dimensions of my bullet journal...

Read the whole article on Crochet Spot