I've come to a realization. It appears that as long as I am teaching, no blogging will get done during the first semester. If I were reeeallly organized, I would have a plan for this and pre-schedule a bunch of posts to appear automatically. But I'm not really organized. I'm a survival organizationalist. (Yes, I did just make up a word.)
It's not that I haven't been crafting- I have. A major thing happened- my camera was "lost". Therefore I have been unable to document many things in my life, not the least of which are my craft projects. I also missed documenting some important events at school, and some important holidays, including Dia de los Muertos, and the recent Posadas. :( Yet, I carry on.
I've been crocheting for the holidays! I have a couple of pairs of fingerless gloves in the making for some of my dear amigos. I also did another version of "The Garden Scarf" by Michelle Ameron from The Happy Hooker book. If I could somehow create a computer program that allowed you to download tactile feelings, I would send this scarf through the internet to you so you could feel it. It is luscious, gorgeous, and beautiful! I made it with Debbie Bliss' baby alpaca/silk blend. I got a great deal on the yarn, so I'm really happy with it! A friend has also enlisted me to crochet a long scarf from a single ball of alpaca/silk. She's a beginning knitter and she's found it frustrating. I was so happy to find out that she was getting into the yarn obessession! <3
Yesterday I went to an amazing craft fair called "Fusion" and I bought a few awesome items. Wanting to support my fellow crocheters, I bought an amazing cuff from a crafty pair called "fulanas". They were great- very intricate and professional work. Motifs were simple and modern. They used chains and circles to rock out some sophisticated and inspirational work.
And finally, I have been trolling the internet to feed my obession for craft projects, ideas, and products. I found this great blog through Threadbanger, and I wanted to pass it along to you. I'll be making a lot of the cute little crocheted accessories mentioned in the free patterns section. The blog is "Creative Yarn" out of Rome, Italy. Link directly to the free patterns here. Enjoy!