No, there aren't many scrapbooking supplies in the Mexico City metro that would be in fashion after 1995*,
however, there are many fashionable fabrics, notions, and needle art supplies. A great place that I've found is "La Casa de los Butones," or "Button House" in Polanco. The first time I was there, I met the owner and her daughter, who spoke
English! Wow. In fact, the owner and I are both east coasters.
Anyway, if you're a button lover, you'd think you'd have died and gone to heaven if you ever saw this place. It's completely packed, ceiling to floor, wall to wall, with buttons! The buttons are not marked, yet, alas, they're not cheap, either.

If I had a special project, or a garment I wanted to jazz up, this is the first place I'd look. But on the collecter's side, for me, this place is just too expensive.
*Guess what!? My new friend told me about four local
scrapbook stores with really great supplies. Wahoo!