Tuesday, January 19, 2016

7 Absolutely Wonderful #Craft #Podcasts

"I was listening to this podcast, and..."

These are the words that begin many of my stories.  Why?  Because I love podcasts and listen to them all the time.  I learn so much from podcasts and, in a way, I can't imagine my life without them.  Want to delve into the world of podcasts? Then let's go! 
Thomas Hawk photo via flickr Some rights reserved

What is a podcast?  A podcast is kind of like an on-demand radio show.  It is a form of audio or video media that is broadcast over the internet.  Podcasts can be produced by anyone, like random people or even your favorite news outlets.  In fact, Heather Ordover does a great breakdown of podcasting and podcast history on her CraftLit podcast episode "On Serial."
How can I listen to a podcast? There are a lot of different ways to listen to a podcast.  You will need a device, like a smart phone or mp3 player that can connect to the internet.  And you'll also need a podcatcher, which is an app or software that will automatically load your selected podcasts to your device or account.  You could also use a desktop computer or laptop and visit the website of your favorite podcast to stream the audio.  The important thing is that you can either download or stream the audio from the internet.  
What is so cool about a podcast?  Well, the podcasts I like the most, and the podcasts you'll see featured here are just independent people or niche businesses that have chosen to do a podcast to fill a need.  They might want to entertain, to learn something, or to share knowledge.  I owe my whole fiber crafting life to podcasts to some extent.  They're very informative and lots of fun!  
Okay, I'm sold.  Where should I start?  If you are reading this blog, you're certainly a fan of crafts.  You should try one of these pretty cool podcasts!

In no particular order...

If you like scrapbooking, card making, rubber stamping, art journaling, new products & techniques in paper crafts, then Scrap Time is for you!  This is one of the very first podcasts I ever watched and it's still going strong after all these years.  This means there is plenty of wonderful back content to enjoy!  I particularly liked the paper tassel tutorial.

Images Property of Scrap Time & Used with Permission

The crafty book lover in you absolutely must check out Craft Lit by Heather Ordover.  This is another long-running podcast, but I have to admit I am a little late to the party!  But better late than never!  This podcast is truly a treat, as it features craft content but also provides context and discussion for the featured audiobook.  While I typically gravitate heavily toward nonfiction, I truly enjoyed the reading and very real discussion surrounding Herland.  The upcoming book is The Count of Monte Cristo!

Logo Property of Craft Lit and Used with Permission

Everything I need to know I learned from the Yarn Thing Podcast with Marly Bird.  I reference it so often here on the blog that I can't think of what else to say here.  Do yourself a favor.  Click through and give it a listen!  If you want to know about how designers and industry professionals got started and get things done, you should listen to this podcast.  There is also always a chance to win a prize.  And that's fun, right?  I've been a fan for years, and you're sure to become one, as well. 

Image property of Yarn Thing Podcast with Marly Bird and used with permission.

Four More Gems!
  • The Yarniacs Podcast - Produced by two best knitting buddies, this is a great podcast for yarnies and sweater knitters.  Each host is talented and specific about what they like and value in the yarns and patterns they discuss.  It's a lot of fun and it became a quick favorite of mine.  I was bummed I hadn't found them sooner, but better late than never!
  • Explore Your Enthusiasm with Tara Swiger - Tara Swiger is a handmade business expert and a wonderful podcaster.  If you want to get more done, be more organized, or figure out your purpose, listen to this.  It is packed with valuable information!
  • CraftCast by Allison Lee - This is another long-running podcast.  While the show has evolved over time as Alison has formed her career, some of my deeply held beliefs about the creative process are borne out of her words.  And she always reminds you, after all the input to "get your butt in the chair" and make something!
  • WeaveCast by Syne Mitchell - This is completely new to me and it is rich with information about this ancient and varied fiber craft.  This podcast is not currently being produced but exists as an archive.  I love it because it's like glancing into the past of podcasting as she inserts music from the podsafe network and references podcasts that have long since faded.  It's comforting and very enjoyable.  
That's about it for today's post!  If you would be interested in learning more about podcasts or hearing one from me, please let me know by leaving a comment or contacting me at artlikebread (at) gmail (dot) com. As always, thanks for reading the blog! Please leave your thoughts, ideas and questions in the comment section below. If you liked this post, please share this post with a friend through social media and load your favorite podcasts into your devices! Like my Facebook page for updates and more crafty sharing!

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