Thursday, December 18, 2014

Goodbye, Old Look!

At one point I updated the look of my blog right around Christmas break each year.  It just felt like the right thing to do.  Last year, that didn't happen.  I have been left with my lovely, crochet-laden, somewhat surrealist, definitely L A R G E blog header.

Out with the old!

For a while I've been thinking of updating it, and I even partnered with a professional graphic designer who created a completely perfect logo for me.  I've also got a lot more general revamping to do, but I think I'm on the right track.  I have a new blog header and I hope you'll like it.

And in with the new!
I'll be uploading this new header sometime around the new year.  Little by little I will be updating my dear old blog to make everything compatible in the best possible way with the new technology.

I'll also be launching a new website which combines my love of education with crafting.  This should happen by June 2015, but we'll see.

Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned this month for my adventures in making and giving Chocolate Candy Bark!

Are you an independent blogger?  If so, what do you do about the design of your blog?  Please share any ideas in the comments below.