Thursday, June 16, 2011

#30DaysofCreativity in June: Week 2

Week of June 9-15, 2011
What I did:
  • Took scissors to an old t-shirt and came up with a wrap thingy.
  • Spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME on the Les Paul Google Doodle.  Listen to "Art, Like Bread is creating every day" put to music on the keyboard guitar. :)
  • Re-wrote "This Is How We Do It" to apply to Grammar, and performed it for my students.
  • Started my second pass at "Short & Sweet" by Angela Best (who is the BEST) in black cashmere.  
  •  Edited some karaoke photos in Picasa.  I feel digital scrapbooking coming on.
You should have seen the original.  I didn't keep a copy, but trust me, this is heavily doctored!
  • Sang all kinda songs at karaoke (and danced like there was no tomorrow)!!
This one is not heavily doctored.  I'm just rockin' out!
    What my students did:
    • Folded orgami
    • Kept up with the doodling tradition.
    They really loved that muffin activity.  Since when do we put candles in muffins?
    • Sang "We will rock you" during the last class! HA! :D  (I turned it into a grammar lesson anyway!)
    • Practiced ballet.
    • Made up a dance to Justin Bieber songs!
    • Did some creative photo shoots and digital scrapbook editing.
    • Practiced bass guitar.
    Note:  This will be my students' last week as they are officially OUT OF SCHOOL! Congratulations, kids!