Monday, August 23, 2010

In My Google Reader: Creative Thursday

Do you ever just want to look at something cute?  

the king of everything | image property of creative thursday

Awwww!  I have been enjoying pretty little paintings like this on a regular basis for almost as long as I've had this blog.  I figured it was about time to blog about them.

Marisa of Creative Thursday is the artist behind the kawaii.  I am enamored with her tiny creations and if you are, too, you will be happy to know that prints of original paintings can be purchased at her Etsy Store.  And they're affordable!

Marisa has a lot going on in her artistic life, so you should really go and check out her website for more information.  If you want a lot of cute delivered to your inbox for free, sign up for her mailing list.  It always makes my day to get those emails!